Litter "S"

Pure Light Amavi
SIB ns 24
(carrier sunshine, extreme sunshine, classic tabby, solid)
FeLV, FIV - negative
HCM - normal (27.04.2020, 22.02.2021, 17.01.2023)
Blood group N/N (A, not carrier B)
Strep G - negative
Giardia - negative
T.Foetus - negative
Kizhi Island Gioshua
SIB n 24
(carrier sunshine, classic tabby, dilution)

FeLV, FIV - negative
HCM - normal (23.05.2023, 14.05.2024)
Blood group N/N (A, not carrier B)
Strep G - negative
Giardia - negative
T.Foetus - negative


Secret Fantasy - female - nus 24 - reserved
Secret Flame - female - nu 24 - reserved
Secret Flower - female - n 22 - reserved
Secret Moon - male - ns 24 - reserved
Secret Valley - male - ns 24 - reserved

Secret Flame

Secret Fantasy

Secret Moon

More informations later!

If you interesanted, please contact with me

(we have waiting-list)